Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Alphabetize a List in Microsoft Word

Any list of items presented in either an ordered (i.e., numbered) or unordered (i.e., bulleted) manner within Microsoft Word may be sorted in alphabetical order, in either ascending or descending sequence. Word allows sorts by text, by number, and by date, and even permits three levels of sorting that either includes or ignores a header row, if the first item in the list is a header. Alphabetize a List in Word 2007 to Word 2019 Microsoft support provides these instructions, which are essentially identical to Word 2007: Select the text in a bulleted or numbered list.On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Sort.In the Sort Text dialog box, under Sort by, click Paragraphs and then Text, and then click either Ascending or Descending. Modify these drop-downs and radio buttons to sort as you intend. In addition to sorting by text, you can sort by date and number. Paragraphs Within Lists Even though youre working with either a numbered or bulleted list, Word assumes that every item in the list is a paragraph and it will sort according to that logic. More Organizational Options in Word Word offers a range of possibilities for organizing your text. In addition to ordinary alphabetizing from A-Z, you can also: Alphabetize from Z-AOrganize numerically in ascending or descending orderOrganize by ascending or descending dateSort by fieldsSort by headersSort in one way and then in another (by number and then letter, for example, or by paragraph and then by header)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why Do We Still Have Nuclear Energy And Fossil Energy

Miguel Chavez ET-110 Jim Hannibal Solar Energy Why do we still have nuclear energy and fossil energy such as; oil, coal, and natural gases? when we can have renewable energy that comes from the sun! A solar panel is a renewable energy source made out of individual solar energy collectors called solar cells. We can find this type of renewable energy in solar cells. The operation of a solar panel is a, pretty straightforward, sequence of actions and reactions formed between the sun and the solar panel itself. A semiconductor such as silicon, is specially treated to form an electric field, positive on one side and negative on the other. When light energy strikes the solar cell, electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the†¦show more content†¦Even though solar panels can have many cons such as being more expensive between other sources of energy. Solar energy is the way to go when taking a step to evolutioning the source in which had relay almost all our life. We consider our daily electronic sources to be very efficiency, but some of us might of not even consider the other face of our electric energy. Solar panels have their down sides on pollution manufactured. Researches have shown that by creating this energy emitted system greenhouse gas emission are also created into the atmosphere. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy conclusively demonstrates through research at the National Center for Photovoltaics that Photovoltaic (PV) systems avoid far more carbon dioxide and other pollution through their clean energy production than are introduced by the manufacturing of PV systems. The transportation as well as the installation of this product can also have a great impact in pollution. Many solar panels around the globe such as Europe and America have left behind toxic pollution in the air as well as chinese farm lands and villages. Having this type of electronic device can some cons but the overa ll gain will be beneficial to any can of user. If you re a homeowner or even for a big industry going solar is the best way to save money over time. â€Å"Although the production of solar panels does require

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Early Launch Ethical Issue Identification †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Early Launch Ethical Issue Identification? Answer: Introducation The Early Launch interactive YouTube video highlights a situation in which a project manager is asked to compromise the security of a system for the firm to launch the product early and sign other deals (Al-Saggaf, 2016). There is a need to assess and understand the implication of this move and to develop a solution that a PM can adopt to prevent negative outcomes. According to Stahl, Timmermans, and Flick (2017), steering ICT into a desirable direction requires information and knowledge of the possible impacts. This understating should be gained early since innovations over time can become locked into society making it costly and hard to control. Evidence from the video shows that the Program Director is being weak-willed and not necessarily an immoral person. Apparently, the circumstance he is currently facing makes him fall into a temptation. From the development perspective, including encryption in the system will take time and delay the product delivery time. On the other hand, avoiding the security measure means that the system can be completed earlier and the team can sign up other clients contract. According to the Program Directory, such a move that requires the Project Manager to deliver a software that lacks encryption will lead to increased revenues for the company and bonuses for employees. Ethical issues in this video include moral choices made by the Program Director in relation to the rest of stakeholders, rules governing the profession, and the standards of acceptance. The broad issues revealed by the discussion between the two managers include security and control of information access and privacy of information. Greed is an ethical issue that will compromise the security of the new system. Implications of the Ethical Problem Today, privacy, security, and confidentiality terms have become trendy. However, many information privacy and security challenges are not yet solved. Unsecured systems will be found connected to the web despite the emphasis on the significance of security. In effect, various enterprises only admit after a security incident that they have not invested in proper information security mechanisms (Ozair, et al., 2010). Similarly, other firms still use amateurish and old security and privacy solutions that can easily be hacked. Unfortunately, global investigation indicate that crime is highly shifting to the Internet. Strong encryption is key to reliable data privacy and security. Missing encryption of critical information during storage and transmission is a threat to a software application. Clearly, the director pushes the PM to launch a product that lacks guarantees of integrity, accountability, and confidentiality implemented through system encryption. Lack of secure channel in the system means that data exchange can easily be accessed and modified by an attacker. The attack can be caused by unauthorized data access either at the user connection to the network or along the communication channel from the server to the client. Omitting encryption in this age of widespread system attacks and information collection sniffers may destroy the reputation of a firm leading to huge losses in revenues of even closure of the firm. In the same way, security should be part of the development processes and not a feature that can be added later using updates. The problem arises when the project team omits enc ryption from the system design and development phases. The PM maintains that the firm should develop a software product with end-to-end encryption where only the message sender and receiver can tell what is being shared. An intruder or even the services transmitting the information should not have the ability to access or modify the message. The Program Director should understand that the security landscape is more sophisticated that it was few years ago. In effect, lack of encryption is a failure to protect users civil liberties. As such, encryption is a valuable tool that should be implemented by individual and businesses to protect private and confidential data from unauthorized access. Solution to the Ethical Problem The video clearly shows that the firm has a problem of greed that requires a resolution of improving the corporate culture as highlighted by Al-Saggaf, Burmeister, and Weckert (2015) in their paper. Furthermore, ICT professionals should educate all project stakeholders in the values of ICT. From project planning to delivery, the team should only focus on delivering a secure system to prevent data loss through hacking and other security incidents (Al-Saggaf, Burmeister, and Weckert, 2015). The firm should deploy an integrity system designed to minimize inappropriate behavior and to promote an ethical climate. This solution is an assemblage of informal and formal processes and devices (Alexander and Miller, 2010). The integrity system solution features codes of conduct and ethics, training on ethical issues, unofficial sanctions, and accountability mechanisms. Every stakeholder will be required to follow the policies listed in the solution which ensures compliance with ethical standard s and promotion of ethical goals. Fortunately, the PM and the stakeholders can shorten the delivery time by identifying and specifying which resources and data are critical and should be protected. The firm should require that the storage or transmission of that information should deploy vetted encryption algorithms. The team should use techniques such as threat modeling to determine the effectiveness of the encryption. The solution should properly be integrated to the software design to protect the application from unauthorized access and tampering. The basis of ethical theory that should be applied in the case presented in this video should come from Kants imperative that individuals should act in a manner that if others acted in a similar way, the entire society would benefit (Guy, 1990). The approach should focus on the benefit of the whole population. The teleological or consequentialism can be applied. Under this ethical theory framework, the moral worth of actions should solely be determined by the results of those actions (Guy, 1990). In effect, the program director should act in a way that brings the greatest amount of satisfaction for all stakeholders in short and long term. Ethics are important in the field of information systems. They fill the gap since legal decisions and regulations lag behind in the field of technology. In effect, people can negotiate how the use of electronic information should proceed. In some cases, laws deciding certain aspects of ICT issues have been created. As such, such ethical notes should be implemented in conjunction with the legal framework in information systems. References Al-Saggaf, Y. (2016, October 31). Scenario 3: Early Launch [Video file]. Retrieved from Al-Saggaf, Y., Burmeister, O., Weckert, J. (2015). Reasons behind unethical behavior in the Australian ICT workplace: An empirical investigation. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(3/4), 235-255. Alexander, A. Miller, S. (2010).Integrity Systems for Occupations, Ashgate, London. Guy, M. E. (1990). Ethical decision making in everyday work situations. New York: Quorum Books. Ozair, F. F., et al. (2015). Ethical issues in electronic health records: A general overview. Perspectives in Clinical Research, 6(2), 73-76. Stahl, B. C., Timmermans, J., Flick, C. (2017). Ethics of emerging information and communication technologies: On the implementation of responsible research and innovation. Science and Public, 44(3), 369-381.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sesame Street And The Death Of Reading Essays - Sesame Workshop

Sesame Street And The Death Of Reading Steve XXXXX Sociology Article 3 ?Sesame Street and the Death of Reading? was an interesting article to read. The author explains many who actually sit down and watch the program see no educational gain for their children. It teaches kids how to read (in some areas of the program), but it doesn't teach these things that are needed most when learning to read: language, active reflection, persistence, and internal control. Sesame Street teaches words, numbers, etc. only for a short one minute time frame on the program. I'm sure the kid will remember the word for a while, but in order for growing brains to learn is to repeat what it is being taught - something that Sesame Street does not do. Since the ?learning period? is so short, teachers are blaming kids' short attention span and low listening skills to Sesame Street. This program is kind of like commercials that play all day for the world to see. What you see is what you get. What you want is what sells. The Children's Television Workshop's philosophy is ?what kids watch is what ?sells' ? (formative) rather than evaluating it's real educational outcomes (normative). The author did a great job on pointing out the main factors on why Sesame Street is not the ?way to go? program for children, especially ones aged beyond preschool and kindergarten. I thought it was interesting that the author said that ?the visual events, noises, and slapstick comedy emphasize a trouble in view of the fact that both disadvantaged children and those with learning disabilities have difficulty using ?verbal strategies' for processing information.? When you learn in the class there is hardly ever any comedy to it like there is on Sesame Street. I remember watching Sesame Street when i was little. All of those short breaks of learning letters and numbers I already knew. I thought it was easy, and I liked the way they presents the letter/number. The author also gives enough evidence to support her decision. I realize now that a program like Sesame Street really doesn't teach you anything. It is what it is, and that is just a TV show for kids. The problem is that the program is NOT the teacher and should probably get rid of the little learning sessions. Jane Healy brings up so many aspects to why Sesame Street is the death of reading. Kids are learning to read in short time spans, learning little words in short time spands and learning the names of ten animals in 90 seconds. Can these things that are brought to the child come from book. I think not! The book doesn't come to the children like the program. It isn't ?user friendly? to the children. Therefore most kids who watch Sesame Street are most likely to throw a book down or never pick one up. The only weaknesses I can find is that there has not been any research to prove these things against Sesame Street. But the arguments are well in thought and explain in great detail the things children learn and don't learn from the program. Again, I remember watching Sesame Street when i was little. To tell you the truth, I pretty much only remember the theme songs to all the kids' shows I watched years ago. Of course I remember the names, but I don't think I really learned anything on Sesame Street. I think I was at a good age when i watched it, meaning I was old enough to know the stuff being ?taught? to me. Bibliography none Sociology Essays