Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Formal Letter Essays

Formal Letter Essays Formal Letter Essay Formal Letter Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: : Formal Letter The XYZ Corporation, P.O. Box 1234, California, United States of America. Mr. Hoshi Reynolds, 1234 Rue Internationals, P.O. Box 322192, Paris, France.15/7/2011. Dear Sir, REF: CONTRACT AGREEMENT Following frequent disagreements with one of your subcontractors, we have suspended any form of communication with your firm. We were dissatisfied with the commodities they have to offer, insincere apologies for various encountered setbacks and the disappointments accruing thereafter to our trusted customers. In order to restore the business’ reputation, we have taken a key interest in your company and therefore, we would like to structure a business contract dealing with the supply of spare parts to our organization. We believe that your company’s output will be of great use to us and that our business interactions will be enhanced over the subsequent trading periods. We look forward to doing business with you. A copy of your commodities pricelist before 3 August 2011 will be highly appreciated. Yours Sincerely, The Managing Director.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Analysis Of The Immigration Problem Essays - Demography, Population

Analysis Of The Immigration Problem Essays - Demography, Population Analysis of the Immigration Problem The world has gone through a revolution and it has changed a lot. We have cut the death rates around the world with modern medicine and new farming methods. For example, we sprayed to destroy mosquitoes in Sri Lanka in the 1950s. In one year, the average life of everyone in Sri Lanka was extended by eight years because the number of people dying from malaria suddenly declined. This was a great human achievement. But we cut the death rate without cutting the birth rate. Now population is soaring. There were about one billion people living in the world when the Statue of Liberty was built. There are 4.5 billion today. World population is growing at an enormous rate. The world is going to add a billion people in the next eleven years, that's 224,000 every day! Experts say there will be at least 1.65 billion more people living in the world in the next twenty years. We must underezd what these numbers mean for the U.S. Let's look at the question of jobs. The International Labor organization projects a twenty-year increase of 600 to 700 million people who will be seeking jobs. Eighty-eight percent of the world's population growth takes place in the Third World. More than a billion people today are paid about 150 dollars a year, which is less than the average American earns in a week. And growing numbers of these poorly paid Third World citizens want to come to the United States. In the 1970s, all other countries that accept immigrants started controlling the number of people they would allow into their countries. The United States did not. This means that the huge numbers of immigrants who are turned down elsewhere will turn to the United States. The number of immigrants is staggering. The human suffering they represent is a nightmare. Latin America's population is now 390 million people. It will be 800 million in the year 2025. Mexico's population has tripled since the Second World War. One third of the population of Mexico is under ten years of age, as a result, in just ten years, Mexico's unemployment rate will increase 30 percent, as these children become young adults, in search of work. There were in 1990 an estimated four million illegal aliens in the United States, and about 55 percent of them were from Mexico. These people look to the United States. Human population has always moved, like waves, to fresh lands. But for the first time in human history, there are no fresh lands, no new continents. We will have to think and decide with great care what our policy should be toward immigration. At this point in history, American immigration policies are in a mess. Our borders are totally out of control. Our border patrol arrests 3000 illegal immigrants per day, or 1.2 million per year, and Two illegal immigrants get in for every one caught. And those caught just try again! More than 1 million people are entering the U.S. legally every year. From 1983 through 1992, 8.7 million of these newcomers arrived-the highest number in any 10-year period since 1910. A record 1.8 million were granted permanent residence in 1991. Because present law stresses family unification, these arrivals can bring over their spouses, sons and daughters: some 3.5 million are now in line to come in. Once here, they can bring in their direct relatives. As a result, there exists no visible limit to the number of legal entries. Until a few years ago, immigrants seeking asylum were rare. In 1975, a total of 200 applications were received in the U.S. Suddenly, asylum is the plea of choice in the U.S., and around the world, often as a cover for economic migration. U.S. applications were up to 103,000 last year, and the backlog tops 300,000 cases. Under the present asylum rules, practically anyone who declares that he or she is fleeing political oppression has a good chance to enter the U.S. Chinese are almost always admitted, for example, if they claim that China's birth-control policies have limited the number of children they can have. Right now, once aliens enter the U.S., it is almost impossible to deport

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cyber security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cyber security - Coursework Example Despite the mounting threats in cyberspace, it emerges that the cyberspace domain holds key solutions to these threats. The threats are further compounded by fact that threats are anonymous and emerge from a multitude of sources worldwide (Ward, 2000). With prevailing drastic revolution in cyber technology, the human dimension of the security problem cannot be disregarded. The behavior of the users, failure in compliance with security policy and ignorance of cyber threats are common human factors that compromise the overall security of cyberspace. An underestimation of the potential magnitude of a cyber threat due to distraction or ignorance is the main reason for successful cyber attacks. A critical factor to consider when formulating cyber security is the response time to cyber attacks. Incidents of attack happen at cyber speed, but often it takes a while for the management system to detect and respond to the incident. Failure to respond with urgency to cyber attacks increases the company’s vulnerability. Appropriate training of employees on the threat and remedy framework is a critical obligation of any organization. Cyber security threats that can affect important goals In e- commerce for instance, rights of access to digital content have become an issue of immense economic and social significance. Wealthy nations have come under criticism from poor countries for â€Å"information imperialism†, arguing that intellectual property rights are an impediment to overcoming the digital creative and intellectual divide. Consequently, elusive questions have arisen on whether to reinforce these rights, or whether to eliminate all protection in cyberspace all together. The electronic environment provides ease of operation across borders, which renders issues of cyber crime an international affair and which inevitably requires renegotiation of agreements between governments, and signing of new treaties in international mediums. Provision of stability and certainty in the cyber business environment then raises concerns of protecting consumers with emerging threats of electronic fraud, cyber terrorism and crime. The ethical concerns that emerge comprise: personal privacy, protection of copyrights, availability of critical crime information to agencies of law enforcement, hacking and computer technology infringement crime, and many other legal framework aspects formulated for citizen right protection Other than the legal and ethical dimensions, cyberspace issues also have social aspects and implications. It’s not clear from the cyberspace management framework who exactly has authority to manage the rights and privileges of users on the web, and who has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of the individual in are protected cyberspace. More important to note is the fact that both users and content providers will be greatly limited in taking full advantage of the evolution in network technologies, unless users take respons ibility of the uses to which they put web content. Vulnerabilities that can be exploited through cyber crime and cyber warfare Valuable information and content is continuously being posted on the Net by publishers and content providers, but with an increasing concern on how to control access and use of this